Lets acknowledge not only the hard work of children with Autism in rising to meet the challenges they face each day, but the strength and bravery of their siblings in standing beside them shoulder to shoulder and guiding them along the way!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

SOAC on Blogger!

Welcome to the blog spot for the Siblings of Autistic Children fanpage from Facebook. I will update this blog as much as I can. It looks much easier than twitter where I too tried to create a page.

So, for those of you who don't know I created a fanpage on Facebook for siblings of Autistic children because sometimes it can get quite tough being a sibling when you have nobody to talk to. I myself am an 18 year old brother of an Autistic boy. I love him to bits and wouldn't change him for the world, but sometimes it is hard and talking to my personal friends doesn't help because they don't know what it is like to have a sibling on the Autism Spectrum. Here (hopefully when I work out how to use it!) I hope to be in contact with people who have Autistc siblings, children, friends, cousins etc. I only named it "Siblings of Autistic Children" because that is what the facebook group is called.

If you are a member of the facebook fanpage I want to welcome you to my blogger too! If you are following me on blogger then welcome, its always nice to meet new people who know what it is like. Also if you are on facebook then search for "Siblings of Autistic Children." and join the fanpage. If you are a personal friend following me on here to support me, then thank you. I appreciate each and every follower on here.

Any ideas for what to talk about in the next blog? Email soac-discussion@live.co.uk and put the subject as "BLOGGER" please.

Have a fun filled week!
